Communication is the key to minimizing misunderstandings between tenants and landowners. Effective communication becomes even more important when production practices or circumstances begin to deviate from historical norms, primarily because the terms of the lease may need to be adjusted to maintain fairness. Find ways to maintain open lines of communication and assure that all parties to the lease have access to all relevant information. A few important points:

  • Provide a resume of your operation (tenant)
  • Reveal goals and objective to other party (both)
  • Agree on a cropping plan
  • Provide updates through the season (tenant)
  • Inform and educate regarding non-traditional production practices (tenant)
  • Share cost information (both)
  • Alert each other of potential problems (both)
  • Foster the relationship over time
  • Document in writing
Click the following links for more information:

Writing to a Prospective Landlord 
Do I Need a Written Lease? 

5 Reasons Why You Should Have a Written Lease

5 Things Every Lease Should Include